An animated feature fiml by Jean-Charles L’Ami. Currently developing.

On a full-moon night, Mandinga rises from the dead. He had been a hero, but no one knew it, and so he died as a slave. Now, 150 years later, he decides to reclaim the freedom they owed him. Mandinga had refused to spill blood to become a free man. He stood up to Boves, the one they all feared, and cast a spell on him to stop the violence.

The Brotherhood of Prodigious Wheels, the Guardians of Time, have granted Mandinga seven hours to change his destiny. Isidoro, one of them, will help him with his mysterious contraptions.

To solve the enigma of his past, Mandinga must awake the ghost of his old ally Juan Jacobo, or at least what is left of him. After many battles: Juan Jacobo misses his head, arm and leg. As they search and retrieve his lost limbs together, Juan Jacobo gradually remembers the whereabouts of the letter that could have changed Mandinga’s life.

While they travel back in time to find the proof that Mandinga was a hero. But Mandinga discovers that “playing with time is also playing with fire”.

Boves ghost rises from the dead, breaks the spell that kept him powerless and plots to change the course of history. A parallel time of chaos and violence ensues. Mandinga must once again defeat Boves, and he will have to overcome his own pride, fears and ambition in order to reach the essence of freedom: the ability to choose one’s own destiny.

Mandinga’s Teaser

In 2013, I worked in Mandiga’s teaser production as Art Supervisor, in Lulomotion Animation, collaborating in Characters Design and painting Textures for 3D Models.

  • A small sample of Art Management
  • Characters Design

    (Collaborating with Art Director of Mandinga’s teaser Francisco Sanabria)

  • Texturing 3D Models